Friday, December 27, 2019

Symbolism in The Great Gatsby Essay - 551 Words

The Great Gatsby Symbols Throughout the book the Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, there are many examples of very simple things that have a deeper meaning or represent more than meets the eye. The book is narrated by Nick Carraway, and is about a man named Gatsby who throws huge parties where he doesn’t even make an appearance, all in an attempt to win back his lost lover Daisy who is married to Tom Buchanan. Gatsby is a big figure in the book and he uses many objects around him to represent his emotions and their status. The Great Gatsby, is full of symbolism, which is portrayed by the houses and cars in an array of ways. In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby’s car makes many appearances and is a big part of the novel. Gatsby’s car in†¦show more content†¦The details of Gatsby’s car show his love for his money. Gatsby feels that by having such an extravagant car it makes him look superior to others. â€Å"He (Gatsby) saw me looking with admiration at his car. ‘It†™s pretty, isn’t it, old sport.’ He jumped off to give me a better view† (68). Also, the car is an attempt to make his life feel full to him. Like Nick states, â€Å"My first impression, that he was a person of some undefined consequence† (69). Gatsby’s house is a symbol of large income and his unhappiness, he uses his house as an attempt to win Daisy back. Gatsby’s house is â€Å"A factual imitation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy, with a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a marble swimming pool and more than forty acres or lawn and garden (9). Gatsby throws large parties there and hardly ever makes an appearance at those parties and the most of the guests don’t even know who he is. Nick goes to one of Gatsby’s parties and makes an attempt to find the host and asks two or three people where the host is and he is just stared at and denied (46). This symbolizes material wealth and by him not making an appearance at his own parties shows that he feels empty inside and is an attempt to cover his emptiness up. Both the house and the car are two similar symbols for Gatsby’s material wealth and his attempt to hide hisShow MoreRelatedSymbolism In The Great Gatsby1029 Words   |  5 Pagestheir social status. In The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the idea of wealth is seen throughout. Jay Gatsby, who lives next door to Nick Carraway; the Narrator of the story, wants to be with his dream girl Daisy. Gatsby is wealthy and throws parties to impress Daisy. Daisy however, is married to another man Tom Buchanan. Throughout the story the people with money use it to create their social status. In The Great Gatsby F.Scott Fitzgerald uses symbolism to convey, wealth causes peopleRead MoreSymbolism in the Great Gatsby2513 Words   |  11 PagesSymbolism in The Great Gatsby In the novel The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald there are many different kinds of symbols used. Fitzgerald uses colors and material luxuries as the two main symbols in the novel. The author uses these symbols most frequently in the novel. The symbolism is carefully incorporated within the novel which makes it hard to detect at first glance. Within these symbols Fitzgerald mainly expresses feelings and the American Dream. Fitzgerald uses colors like an artistRead MoreSymbolism In The Great Gatsby2223 Words   |  9 PagesThe Great Gatsby is a novel written by Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. Soctt Fitzgerald was an American novelist in the 1920’s. Fitzgerald had a problem with alcoholism, which finally was the reason he died. This problem that Fitzgerald had is currently showed in the novel The Great Gatsby, in which alcohol makes part of almost every part of the book, in parties and meetings. The novel portrays the high-class society life during the 1920 ´s. It takes place in New York City. During the 1920’s in the UnitedRead More Symbolism in The Great Gatsby Essay867 Words   |  4 PagesGatsby Essay Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. For example, a dove is usually used to represent peace. In the novel The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald uses a lot of symbolism to connect the characters with each other or to other objects. Fitzgerald’s use of symbolism helps advance his thematic interest in his novel of The Great Gatsby. In the Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses various colors, objectsRead MoreEssay Symbolism in The Great Gatsby864 Words   |  4 PagesIn the novel, The Great Gatsby, there is lots of reflection on symbolism, and especially colored symbolism. In this novel symbolism is a very important factor, it shows the difference between the different characters and scenes in the novel. The color green influences the story a lot. Green shows many thoughts, ideas, attitudes, and choices that Gatsby has throughout the story. White too plays an even more important role in the novel as it is used to represent some of the characters, it also talksRead More Essay on Symbolism on the Great Gatsby1179 Words   |  5 Pagescomplex than it seems. Whereas a symbol as complicated as the â€Å"eye† can mean more than it’s suggested for. Throughout The Great Gatsby symbolism represent color, the existence of eyes and money. The color symbolism is repetitive throughout the novel. The colors represent the different characters personality and their actions. An important symbolic color in The Great Gatsby is the green light. The color green itself is associated with spring, money, hope and youth. The green light stands for somethingRead MoreSymbolism in The Great Gatsby Essays790 Words   |  4 PagesSymbolism The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is bursting with symbols and motifs. Looking deeper into these symbols will uncover the abstract and intangible themes and messages portrayed throughout the novel. The green light at the end of Daisy’s dock as well as T.J Eckleburg’s eyes overlooking the Valley of Ashes and the discrepancy between not only the characters of East and West Egg but the social class and standard of living they abide by. By uncovering all of these symbols and exposingRead MoreThe Great Gatsby Symbolism Analysis759 Words   |  4 Pages Fizgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby tells the story of Gatsby’s romance, tragedy and dramatic life, reflecting the glamor of the glitz and the loss of the Jazz era. In the novel, the author makes extensive use of symbolic techniques to express his profound thoughts and themes. The extensive use of symbolism not only enriches the connotation of the article but also reveals the theme in more depth and embod ies the author’s mature artistic creation skills. The green light from the East Egg, whichRead MoreThe Great Gatsby Symbolism Essay1321 Words   |  6 Pagesdaily basis. Cars are a major expense and luxury for adults presently. For many, these cars are symbolic of their success in achieving their American Dream having money. The American Dream during the ‘roaring ‘20s’ is a major topic in the story The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The troubles Tom and Daisy Buchanan, an upper class couple, are experiencing lead the narrator, Nick Carraway, into many sticky situations. Soon after Nick moved into his modest home amongst some of the most lavish in NewRead MoreColor Symbolism In The Great Gatsby802 Words   |  4 Pages In Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, color symbolism is stronger throughout the entire book. There are multiple colors that allow the book to come together as a whole. There can be many different interpretations or opinions on which colors are important. The color symbolism in The Great Gatsby is represented by the colors green, gold, and black. Green is the color that begins the story. A man not known in the beginning, but surely known at end by the name of Jay Gatsby, reaching out to an â€Å"incorruptible

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Buddhism Buddhism Vs. Christianity - 1247 Words

RUNNING HEAD: Journey 3 Buddhism vs. Christianity Brianna M. Stutheit George Fox University We can define rituals as repeated actions that provides us with meaning and significance. Symbols are a small unit of a ritual. Both rituals and symbols play an active role in religion. According to Clifford Geertz, religion can be defined as â€Å"a system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive and long lasting moods and motivations in both men and women by formulating conceptions of general order of existence†. Every religion has some assembly of rituals and/or symbols that help form and shape its practices. However, do some religions have more rituals and symbols than others? When comparing Buddhism to my own religion, Christianity, Buddhism appears to have more rituals and symbols that shape their religion. Every Religion believes in either a God(s), a leader, or supernatural forces. Unlike Christians who believe in Jesus Christ, is the divine savior of God, who died upon the cross to save others from their sins, Buddhists believe in an enlightened man referred to as Buddha. Buddha is believed to have lived between circa 563 to 483 BCE and believed to have taught in northeastern India. Buddha’s teachings are based upon his life, and provide guidance and support to his followers. As Christians we partake in rituals that consist of prayer, baptism, and the eucharist. Prayer is used on several occasions and for conveying distinct concepts. Prayer can be used as a wayShow MoreRelatedChristianity vs. Buddhism1258 Words   |  6 PagesGabriel Tajimaroa Donavan Ingram Eng 1A April 3 2010 Research Essay Christianity vs. Buddhism There are many religions and sacred texts that have shaped complete civilizations and cultures. They have varied in their theories of creation and how man should live and act towards each other and nature. The more I study religions and sacred text the more I see that for the most part they are alike. Most of them share a view of love and peace towards all things living. What varies between themRead MoreChristianity vs Buddhism923 Words   |  4 Pagestruths,† said by Muhammad Ali. Religion is the belief and reverence for a supernatural power and powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe (2003). The religions I’ve chose to compare and contrast would be non denomination/ Christianity and Buddhism. Each religion would be broken down by their religious belief, religious ritual, and religious experience. The definition of these religious things are: religious belief is a statement to which members of a particular religion adhere, religiousRead MoreChristianit y And Buddhism Vs. Buddhism948 Words   |  4 PagesMany, especially in New Mexico, are familiar with the teaching and conditions of Christianity, beginning the creation of the Heaven and Earth, and coming to an end with the death of Jesus, these teachings are taught weekly through Mass. Buddhism is not a commonly know, again, especially in New Mexico. Buddhism teaches on a more personal level, leaving more supernatural beings to Christianity. However, there are similarities to be discussed. Some include, the decisions as to what is right and whatRead MoreThe Distinguishment Of Religions : Christianity Vs. Buddhism1389 Words   |  6 Pages The Distinguishment of Religions: Christianity vs. Buddhism It is evident that religion is considerably a controversial topic across the globe that seems to bring up futile disputes between people. From the many religious extremist groups that have been the world, such as the Crusaders, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), Al Qaeda, the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS); it is apparent that this certain topic evokes controversial views from enthusiasts. So why is this topic so controversialRead MoreBuddhism Vs Christianity Essay example1051 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferences between the Abrahamic religion, Christianity, and the Asian region Buddhism as well as making reference to the Islamic religion. It is the beliefs or ideologies as well as the traditions which separate and help us differentiate between religions. The main concept of Christianity is that God the Father sent his son Jesus as man to save mankind and open the gates of Heaven on earth. Thy kingdom come thy will be done Ââ€" Lords Prayer. Buddhism is based on the individuals effort, the ideaRead MoreThe Conflict Of War And Peace1614 Words   |  7 Pagesmessage across it to use violence and others might want total power, in order to get this they must use violence. An example of someone who wanted total power was Hitler. Others might be able to get their message across using peace. Comparison -war vs Pacifism War is a big destruction on peoples lives, as many will die from it and only few will survive, but those who do survive will have to live the rest of their days remembering the pain and loss they were put through. But war in not all bad asRead MoreBarrows Vs. Shaku And Dharmapal An Argumentative Analysis1469 Words   |  6 PagesBarrows vs. Shaku and Dharmapala: an argumentative analysis John Henry Barrows and Soyen Shaku represent more than just two religious luminaries having a good-hearted debate. Their deliberation at the late 19th century Parliament of Religions represents the East versus the West, modernity versus tradition and rhetoric versus logic. It’s difficult to take a side on which religion is superior indefinitely because Barrow’s full argument is not in the passage and Shaku is helped a little by AngarikaRead MoreThe Religion Of Islam And Islam1544 Words   |  7 Pagestime, the view of religion is changing, certainly, all religions are different in many aspects, but respect the opposing religious groups. Examples of these religions are Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity that originated from different regions and cultures. While Buddhism comes from a different background, Islam and Christianity come from the same source, and have spread in similar ways throughout history, however, the three religions have differences in their philosophies and practices. These threeRead MoreEvaluate the Changes and Continuities in the Role of Religion in Chinese Society from 600 to 1450.1043 Words   |  5 Pagescertain religions while repressing others. While Buddhism flourished during the Sui and Tang dynasty, it faced opposition from the government during the Song dynasty. Confucianism lost government endorsement during the Sui and Tang but gained momentum during the Song as Neo-Confucianism. Yuan dynasty promoted Islam and Tibet Buddhism but ignored Confucianism. Different rulers sponsored and protected different religions but Confucianism and some form of Buddhism have always been alive in Chinese societyRead MoreUnderstanding The Distributions Of Religions942 Words   |  4 PagesAtheism is the belief that there is no God and Agnosticism is the belief that the fact that there is a God or no God cannot be proven. Christianity is a universalizing religion. It is the dominant religion in North America, South America, Europe, and Australia. Countries with a Christian majority exist in Africa and Asia as well. There are three major branches of Christianity–Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy. In Europe, Roman Catholicism is the dominant branch in the southwest and east, Protestantism

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Discretionary Accounting and Predictive Ability †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Discretionary Accounting and Predictive Ability. Answer: Introduction: Cash flows have been a tremendously important component of accounting since the beginning of utilization of the particular subject. The capability of a company to generate revenues in the form of cash flows is a major factor in the decision making process of a particular stakeholder. A particular stakeholder or investor comes to know about the future proceedings of business of a particular company or the liquidity position and future in terms of revenue generation of a particular company by the forecasts of future cash flows. The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) has mentioned in its accounting disclosures that it is very important for an entity to prepare cash flows as because it will help the particular entity as well as the investors to take economic decisions and will result in a clear and concise financial reporting (Bodie, Z., 2013). The method of cash flow is essentially based upon the idea that every event or transaction that takes place in a particular venture wil l be recorded at the exact time of their occurrence and then divided into different heads like investing activities and operating activities and financing activities (Hales and Orpurt 2012). Many experts are of the opinion that cash flow is the primary tool in the hands of accounting earning. But this is not completely supported by all as some experts are of the opinion that accounting accruals should never be used as a measuring tool of the performance of the company (Allen, Larson and Sloan 2013). They are primarily of the view that the cash flow system which technically identifies and puts forward the components of earnings involve a certain level of subjectivity which may be exploited by the managers in the form of discretionary accruals and give the managers a chance to gain personally at the expense of the company (Ball, Kothari and Nikolaev 2013). Therefore the issue that persists is the identification of the component that is most effective in estimating the accounting earnings or cash flows. Though some experts are of the opinion that both accounting earning and cash flows have the capacity to measure the future inflow of cash, others have either chosen cash flow or accounting earning as the right tool. The objective of this research proposal is to determine whether operating cash flows or accounting earning should be utilized in order to measure the future cash flows (Farshadfar and Monem 2013). (Badertscher, Collins and Lys 2012) are of the belief that cash flow from operating activities guarantees a better financial performance than the net profit incurred by a particular company. This is because of the fact that a cash flow from operating activities is less exposed to distorted handling than the net revenue generated by a particular company. (Farshadfar and Monem 2013) has also revealed that using the cash flows from operating activities has not only given a clearer picture as to what will be the estimate of future cash flows but also has reduced the chances to manipulate the earnings of a particular firm by its managers. This is because managers using cash flows from operating activities not only use them in order to hold back the investors but also to display the cash flow related to accruals which minimize the chances of exploitation or manipulation. (Call, Chen and Tong 2013) state that cash flows are mainly preferred by the CEOs. This is because of the fact that the positive results that are carried by a cash flow help to cover the negative results that are forecasted by the accounting earnings. Moreover when the case is such that the accounting earnings portrays a positive result then the cash flows are used to prove the credibility of such forecasts and lastly when the company runs through a growth phase in order to prove its economic viability cash flows are used. (Mohanram 2014) in his paper is also of the opinion that when financial analysts disclose accounting earnings along with cash flows, the accruals are exposed which reduce the chances of mispricing. (Goodman et al., 2013) in his paper has also observed that when accounting earnings are forecasted along with the cash flows from operating activities, the calculations seem to be more accurate by the financial analysts. The paper focuses on bringing forward a brand new approach to measure the nature of accounting results and accruals. This method is based upon the principle that high ac curacy in measuring accruals which needs a great degree of balance. However, the inaccuracy that may be committed increase the chance of manipulation. The results of the study display that the variations or differences in rotating funds are not positively related to cash flows from operating activities, and positively related to the cash flows from operating activities of the past and future. While estimating the returns of a particular company, both accounting earning and cash flow from operating activities are important. Cash flows from operating activities as recommended by the vast literature van be separately utilized in order to measure the financial position of a particular company because of the fact that it not only minimizes the chances of mispricing but also makes the statements of accounting earning more accurate. Therefore the following hypothesis is suggested. The ability of earnings to predict future operating cash flows is higher than the ability of past operating cash flows. Research Methodology The research methodology that is used in this particular research is survey. A number of companies are taken as samples in the research. Interviews of different CEOs are done in order to know their opinions as to whether the cash flow or accounting earning which is the more viable method for estimating the financial position or the financial condition of the company. A number of journals have also been considered for the purpose of the research. Several experts and financial analysts have also been interviewed in order to complete the research of the proposal. Referencing Badertscher, B.A., Collins, D.W. and Lys, T.Z., 2012. Discretionary accounting choices and the predictive ability of accruals with respect to future cash flows. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 53(1), pp.330-352. Farshadfar, S. and Monem, R., 2013. Further evidence on the usefulness of direct method cash flow components for forecasting future cash flows. The international journal of accounting, 48(1), pp.111-133. Call, A.C., Chen, S. and Tong, Y.H., 2013. Are analysts' cash flow forecasts nave extensions of their own earnings forecasts?. Contemporary Accounting Research, 30(2), pp.438-465. Mohanram, P.S., 2014. Analysts' cash flow forecasts and the decline of the accruals anomaly. Contemporary Accounting Research, 31(4), pp.1143-1170. Goodman, T.H., Neamtiu, M., Shroff, N. and White, H.D., 2013. Management forecast quality and capital investment decisions. Bodie, Z., 2013. Investments. McGraw-Hill. Ball, R., Kothari, S.P. and Nikolaev, V.V., 2013. Econometrics of the Basu asymmetric timeliness coefficient and accounting conservatism. Journal of Accounting Research, 51(5), pp.1071-1097. Farshadfar, S. and Monem, R., 2013. The usefulness of operating cash flow and accrual components in improving the predictive ability of earnings: a re?examination and extension. Accounting Finance, 53(4), pp.1061-1082. Hales, J. and Orpurt, S.F., 2012. A review of academic research on the reporting of cash flows from operations. Allen, E.J., Larson, C.R. and Sloan, R.G., 2013. Accrual reversals, earnings and stock returns. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 56(1), pp.113-129.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tips and tricks to maintain work life balance

Accomplishing a work-life balance seems like an impossible feat nowadays. Undoubtedly, having a strong work ethic is the extremely rewarding and fulfilling for us as it gives the surety of success and prosperity in life. However, our involvement in work can obstruct us from enjoying beautiful and delightful moments in life. In a world, where everything has gained momentum it has become difficult for us to maintain a work-life balance in our life. The rapid pace of our life does not allow us to reconcile our time for other priorities than work. For being productive and healthy at the same time, it is essential for you to maintain a balance between the work and other areas of life. Sometimes you may have resented feelings related to work because it is taking your time and energy and depriving you of too many important things in life. No matter you are a student or a professional person you have to give time to other things in life for improving your performance in other spheres of life . Yes, it is an undeniable fact that students have to invest time and energy for getting good grades in an exam, but keeping their health in mind they should prefer spending some quality time with their family. Taking assignment help from academic writing service will play an eminent role in reducing the work-load and pressure from your mind. To efficaciously strike a balance between work and your life, skim the easy and helpful tips mentioned below. Make Efficient Use of Time: It is critical to making efficient use of time for maintaining a work-life balance. Whether you are at work or home it is significant to control your time because it allows you to achieve the desired aims and objectives in life. For making the best use of each and every moment of your life, you must organised a timetable after defining all your priorities to reduce work-pressure. However, sticking to your schedule may be difficult for you in the beginning, but once you will learn to take control of your time , it will become easier and convenient for you. Set Career Goals: It is indispensable to stay happy at home regardless of the amount of pressure you have to deal at work. Taking your work problems at home or pondering over your personal issues at work is an pragmatic and impractical way of dealing with things. However, setting career goals allows you to stay happy while doing work because it associates your personal happiness and contentment with work. Sometimes you have to face troubles and problems in your journey of achieving your aims, however consistent effort and focus can be really helpful in reducing the pressure. Maintain Healthy Eating and Sleeping Habits: It is an irrefutable fact that one has to toil day and night for getting acknowledged at work. However, taking some time out for yourself is also essential for maintaining a work-life balance. Making positive changes in your eating and sleeping habits is efficacious in keeping your life balanced and impact. Thus, for sp ending your life in a meaningful manner, you must stick to a healthy diet regime and take proper sleep. It will make you efficient and productive in every facet of life.