Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Development Planning and Analysis

From the modernization theory up to the present trend about sustainable development and climate change, development planning is a major issue since this dictates the direction in which development will take place. For instance, Earth summit’s Agenda 21 aims to alleviate â€Å"worsening poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend for our well-being. † The corruption or purity of development will then pave the way for the possibility of addressing severe social dilemmas. The manner by which development is directed is necessary for the rise or fall or every country.The importance of development planning is even magnified by the Millennium Development Goals which seek to address social dilemmas that paralyzes countries, especially the third world (. In development planning, several aspects must be put into consideration. For one, the demography of a particular setting should be viewed as a profile that wi ll tell the state of development the place has already attained. Demography includes the socio-economic profile that can tell if people satisfy their most basic needs. Women, on the other hand, are another important factor because of the historically-traced experience in repression.Since 51% of the population is composed of women, they must be seriously put into delicate consideration. They have long experienced struggles, and the status by which they have achieved a degree of equality and freedom from repression indicates development and will then become the starting point of several other development plans. Poverty, on the other hand, is another issue. Poverty or the statuses by which people cannot satisfy their needs should be considered in development planning because only through poverty alleviation will countries attain development.These issues are even intensified by the issue of pollution because this dilemma leads to environmental degradation. Since most third world countri es are in the tropics, they depend largely on the environment. Failure to come up with plans that will conserve and preserve the environment translates to inefficiency of development plans being imposed. These issues are heightened by the current trend known as climate change. Everything now from the social sphere to the political ecology becomes a vicious cycle that has to be addressed by long-term and holistic plans to combat even the worst case scenarios.Water purity and availability, occupational health and safety, child welfare, and public health are also important considerations that have to be solved. If one partition of the mentioned considerations is not solved, or is not prioritized, development planning has not become true to its integrity. As many tag the Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), they are the growing force in the development arena since they carry on the interest of marginalized sectors in the society. The projects that have not been carried out by the govern ment are compensated by the activities performed by the NGOs.The language of everyday politics might suggest that they are part of the dynamism of politics; however, other sectors might label them as the heroes that save lives in the absence of the government arm that supposedly helps the impoverished. More so, the multilaterals are involved in development planning. They swathe every development subject, from granting â€Å"financial aid to technical assistance to pushing for democracy. † The role of government and state institutions in development planning is truly essential because they are constitutionally tasked to provide the needs of the people in their respective territories.The state, which is the primary instrument for development, should always be in the service of the citizenry. Many may question the credibility of these institutions, but their role is truly crucial in the developmental aspect. Development is then measured through the assessment if the state is abl e to provide the needs of the people and if the development considerations are prioritized. The question, furthermore, if the business community is a problem or a solution is subjective because it will only be decided depending on the roles they portray.However, the present trend about Corporate Social Responsibility acts as the charitable arm of the government to reach out to the people who are not as affluent as the business sector. In Asia, CSR is really trending and even the capitalists hang on to this to escape criticism of them being over-profiteering. Development planning is not an easy task. To address this, stakeholder’s analyses are conducted. This will help in identifying sectoral needs and interests that vary within communities.The conclusions that will be derived in the stakeholder’s analyses will be beneficial in formulating objectives for development planning. The five entry points for social impact analysis, based on the lecture at City University of Ho ng Kong, are as follows: Social diversity and gender, Institutions, rules and behaviour, Stakeholders, Participation, and Social risk. The mentioned entry points provide for the framework essential in development planning. The social analysis and project design plus the logframe analysis can also be used. Social analyses may be organic but it will help thoroughly in development planning.Development planning in labor rights, democracy and national development are the future because these are the trends that have to be followed and assessed. If these were achieved, even the third world countries will have their own comparative advantages. REFERENCES Lecture notes in Development Planning and Analysis. (2010). City University of Hong Kong. Lecture notes in Social Equity Issues in Social Forestry. (2010). University of the Philippines Los Banos. Lecture notes in Reimagining Philippine Politics. (2007). University of the Philippines Los Banos.

Second American Revolution

A revolution is a sudden, drastic change that can occur politically, economically, or socially over a certain period of time. â€Å"Government, at least here in the States, is split into several branches. In order for us to use our arms to overthrow it we would have to experience a situation in which all three branches were in cahoots with one another and refused to keep each other in line† (Erick 1).In the article â€Å"Time for a New American Revolution,† Richard Winchester asserts that the United States may be â€Å"ripe† for a new revolution because of the issues that exists in his article, such as the fact that fifty-six percent of voters viewed the federal government as a threat to individual rights. Although the United States may be ready for a new revolution, since its citizens are afraid to take such a big risk, it will not. â€Å"From slavery to women's rights, from religious life to voting, American attitudes would be forever changed† (U.S. Hist ory. org).All kinds of different religious beliefs are accepted throughout the United States, while in the past (specifically the 18th century) people were prosecuted and banished for not wanting to be a part of the Anglican Church which was originally established in England. Citizens of America have plenty to be grateful for, but instead they refuse to open their eyes to see how far their country has come. In 1789 the first President of the United States was a white man.In 2008, a the first black man and the first white woman ran for office, with victory in the hands of Barack Obama, the black man. [ I want the previous two sentences with the years to be more concise and clean. Figure out how u wanna do that] Before American independence, and even afterwards, blacks would be punished for even glancing at a white woman. In those days, the tension between the races was palpable, blacks and whites They were at the bottom of all the social classes which were very distinct. They were de termined by heredity and quality.â€Å"One observer wrote in 1747 that â€Å"a reasonable man is always happy if he has what is necessary for him according to his condition [his place in the social order], that is to say, if he has the protection of the laws, and can live as his father lived before him: so that one of the essential things to the good of a nation is being governed in one constant and uniform manner†Ã¢â‚¬  (Angelfire. com).Women were also not allowed to own jobs that involved labor or intellectual thinking. They were forced to stay at home and raise children to be the best  human beings they could be. Today’s women are evolved; they are attempting to take up such jobs as being the president. [ can be formed better]. Eventually uprisings began when women began to speak up against it. This was just one of many protests that took place before the revolution. [ need to make it more specific but the information should be short. ] The Boston Massacre was o ne of the well-known events that involved patriots expressing their anger towards British soldiers but resulting in the death of only patriots.In the current form of government, protests are encouraged in the first amendment, known as the freedom of speech. They are privileged with the right to speak their minds. America is not ready for a second revolution. All this freedom would be lost and they are not willing to risk that. [why is America not ready for a revolution, explain it better. Maybe use that citizens sentence to explain it better. Use a sentence to show that with all the progress they have made so far, they shouldn’t be trying to overthrow the government, thereby jeopardizing the great progress they have accumulated over centuries of conflict.]Economically, the United States cannot afford a second American revolution. As the first one, we are still in debt for wars and will continue to be for many many years. Tax rates are likely to rise just as it did in the eigh teenth century. With the same reactions as the citizens in the late 1700s, people get angry. When people get angry, they end up committing foolish actions that result in horrid consequences. â€Å"When the Colonists became upset at such taxation without sufficient representation in Parliament, they began to rebel.In return, the British passed the Declaratory Act and d a series of acts later known as the Intolerable Acts, all designed to punish and reshape the colonial governance system to make it easier for the British to reign in† (dickinson. edu). Maybe in several decades a second revolution will form, but as for now the U. S. is not ready. Americans, lazy, no-good, homo sapiens who depend on others, will never think to plan such a thing even if there was a chance at a revolution.When they are given a once in a lifetime opportunity they throw it out the window after realizing how much work and effort would be needed to make it successful. Pre-revolutionary times were filled with hardworking, diligent crowds. Products were hand made and sold all around the world. In this age everything is made by machinery. This decade will be sluggish; along with the next. As said before, The Unites States of America is not, nor will it probably ever be, ready for a dramatic change like a revolution.Unfortunately, the U. S. does not reside with wise, political leaders from the late 18th century like Thomas Paine to lead and motivate people through a revolution. â€Å"Thomas Paine joined the army as it retreated from New Jersey to Philadelphia. On the way he began to write a series of sixteen pamphlets called The American Crisis that urged Americans to tough it out and keep fighting † (The Crisis). Without the help of Paine, Americans most likely would not have succeeded in the revolution.He became their conscience that taught them right from wrong, inspired them, and helped them realize their future if they did not try to separate and win their independence fro m Britain. â€Å"Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but â€Å"to bind us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER,† and if being bound in that manner, Is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth† (The Crisis). In the current America, you can no longer find someone willing to take responsibility of others and thousands of citizens in need of help.The wealthy people are not struggling; therefore, do not care to have a revolution. The middle class people are unsure about their place in society. Even thought they would like to be a part of the upper class they also do not want to take such a big risk because they are already surviving without a revolution. Thus leaving only the poor class. Some poor people do not have ambition. Without ambition they have no goals set. They are waiting for someone to lead them and convince them what a difference they can make like Thomas Paine told the Whigs.â€Å"The b lood of his children will curse his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time, when a little might save the whole, and made them happy† (The Crisis). Until then, absolutely nothing will happen. Although Americans act like they want a revolution, they just want a sense of secureness. They are terrified of the idea of them losing their rights, freedom and equality. Feeling as if they’re independence is coming to an end, they would do anything drastic to prevent it even though acting now would be considered too late. Looking over Winchester’s article, his polls do not necessarily mean a revolution.â€Å"Before concluding that the U. S. is ripe for revolution, consider the following: First, these polls do not prove the public is ready to overthrow the old regime; they only hint at that. Second, polls are like a snapshot; they freeze public opinion at the time they're conducted; things may change dramatically in short order. Third, change a poll question's wording or con text and the results may be very different. Fourth, successful revolutions almost never occur spontaneously; they require leadership, especially individuals who can mobilize millions by their charisma.Even with a Samuel Adams, a Patrick Henry, or a Martin Luther King, Jr. , a revolutionary movement will not draw majorities to its banner† (Winchester 2). â€Å"How Ripe Are the Seeds of Revolution? | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show. † Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show. WordPress, 21 Mar. 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Meckler, Mark. â€Å"The Second American Revolution Has Begun – Rasmussen Reportsâ„ ¢. † The Second American Revolution Has Begun – Rasmussen Reportsâ„ ¢. Rasmussen Reports, 23 July 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Tashman, Brian.â€Å"Joyner: ‘Get Ready for a Second American Revolution'† Right Wing Watch. Right Wing Watch, 8 June 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Walker, Bruce. â€Å"Obama and the Second American Revolution. â⠂¬  Articles:. American Thinker, 4 July 2011. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Winchester, Richard. â€Å"Time for a New American Revolution? † Articles:. American Thinker, 19 Aug. 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. â€Å"12. Societal Impacts of the American Revolution. † Societal Impacts of the American Revolution [ushistory. org]. Independence Hall Association, 2008-2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Environmental Psychology Article Analysis Essay

The concept of environmental psychology is a new one which came into existence following the realization that there is always interplay between human behavior and the environments. In this regard, the term environment is broadly explained to include the natural surroundings, social surroundings, built surroundings, learning and information surroundings. Environmental psychology is a discipline that is committed to the development of a field that is both value and problem oriented giving priority to research that aims at providing a solution to the myriad environmental problems whenever one is pursuing individualistic welfare within the framework of the larger society. This paper shall give an analysis of an article regarding environmental psychology. Environmental Psychology: Environmental psychology is a discipline that deals with behavior in relation to the environment. This discipline focuses on the concepts that concern environment and the aesthetic preferences being presented in behavioral maps. According to Arkkelin and Veitch, (1995), environmental psychology has been defined as â€Å"a multidiscipline behavioral science, both basic and applied in orientation, whose foci are the systematic interrelationships between the physical and social environments and individual human behavior and experience† (p. 5). Environment in this regard becomes more ambiguous as the focus is on the interplay between people, behavior and their surroundings. Environmental psychology gains some ground given that human behavior is generated by interplay between the cyclical interaction of independent variables that include individuals and environment (Arkkelin and Veitch, 1995). Article Analysis: Social concerns in regard to the problems that are experienced in the real world is the driving force behind scientists’ involvement in environmental psychology issues (Rossman, 2009). One major problem that is facing humanity is associated with global warming that is threatening not only human existence but also any form of life on the earth. The article for analysis shall be ‘How to Spur Action on Global Warming’ written by Velasquez-Manoff in the year 2008 and published in the Christian Science monitor (Rossman, 2009). According to the article, the temperatures in the Arctic have been rising and even reached nine degrees higher during the fall of 2009 compared to the previous year. The article also reveals that the Arctic had recorded the warmest temperatures in the year 2008. It goes further to explain that emphasis should be placed on how to address the main problem of global warming as opposed to dwelling much on the cause of the problem. In trying to make individuals change behaviors, human activity is always blamed on the global warming problem and that the problem is said to be a moral issue. This has been found to be potentially counter-productive as individuals take it as criticism (Velasquez-Manoff, 2008). Velasquez-Manoff argues that programs where individuals are required to opt out so as to avoid taking part may be essential in changing behaviors. The opt-out programs employed in organ donation are found to be successful with a rating of between eighty and ninety per cent participation. When the individuals were asked to opt in for organ donation, success was only realized to up to 20% (Velasquez-Manoff, 2008). In a study on the energy usage by individuals, an energy meter was located on both the inside and outside, and there was found to be a reduction in the energy usage of individuals by up to 14% leading to a conclusion that when individuals are able to visualize the amount of energy that they utilize, then they are able to control the amount of energy that they use by reducing it (Velasquez-Manoff, 2008). Global Warming: The world today is faced by the global warming phenomenon which is described as the rising temperatures being experienced due to the emissions of the greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases include the carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane and they are responsible for trapping heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere which in turn increases the temperatures (National Geographic Society, (2010). Carbon dioxide is a non-toxic gas that is usually exhaled by animal’s and absorbed by plants and since the amount of the gas being released is so large, the gas is left in the atmosphere. According to Arkkelin and Veitch, â€Å"With increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the balance between the incoming and outgoing radiation can be maintained only with an increase in surface and lower atmospheric temperatures† (Arkkelin and Veitch, 1995, page 184). The focus of environmental psychology is to devise a way in which people shall be motivated to change their behaviors so as to preserve the environment. In regard to global warming, the interest of the environmental psychologists is to find out the psychological changes that are due to the increasing temperatures. It has been argued that a higher temperature is associated with increasing levels of crime and violent behavior (Rossman, 2009). Rising temperatures are said to be causing irritability and aggressive behavior amongst individuals. Scientist in environmental psychology aim at improving the management of the environment which shall result into improved quality of life and psychological growth (Mathew, 2004). Actions that are aimed at stopping global warming leads to other benefits like preservation of nature, structural and community improvement as well increased environmental awareness. There are various actions that if adopted in the homes, will help in addressing the global warming problem. Such actions include making use of modern push mowers as opposed to gas-powered and electrical mowers that are rampant (Global Warming, 2008). The other ways of reducing global warming include using the below-ground pools instead of the above-ground pools which requires less heat. The use of the light emitting diode lights is also advisable as it not only uses less energy, it also has a long life span and provides more light compared to the conventional bulb (Global Warming, 2008). Conclusion: Global warming is a serious problem that needs to be addressed promptly. To think of the problem in terms of the amount of greenhouse emissions in the atmosphere provides a scenario in which problem appears to be overwhelming to the human race. However, as the old Chinese saying goes that a journey of a thousand miles starts with simple steps; the global warming problem can be addressed through initiation of simple practical solutions such as wearing a pullover instead of turning up the heat. People need to be environmentally conscious and this should be reflected in the effort they make to preserve the environment for this and the next generation. Sustainability of the environment is crucial for the survival of humanity and the general life found on earth. Environmental psychology is therefore important in addressing environmental issues by providing practical solutions to address the environmental challenges as most of the problems are as a result of human interaction with the environment. Reference: Fisher, J. J. , (2007). What is Environmental Psychology? Retrieved on 19th August 2010 from; http://environmentpsychology. com/environmental_psychology. htm. Global Warming. (2008). Global Warming – Climate Change. Retrieved on 19th August 2010 from; http://www. warmingglobal. org/ Matthew, V. G. , (2004). Environmental Psychology. Retrieved on 19th August 2010 from; http://www. psychology4all. com/environmentalpsychology. htm National Geographic Society, (2010). What Is Global Warming? Retrieved on 19th August 2010 from; http://environment. nationalgeographic. com/environment/global-warming/gw overview. html. Rossman, J. (2009). Environmental Psychology Article Analysis. Retrieved on 19th August 2010 from; http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/1928210/environmental_psychology_article_analysis. html. Veitch, R. , & Arkkelin, D. , (1995). Environmental Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Pearson Education Company. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Velasquez-Manoff, M. , (2008). How to Spur Action on Global Warming. Christian Science Monitor. 100(240). Pp, 13-14.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Critical Review in the Contemporary Themes in Youth Work Practice, Essay - 3

A Critical Review in the Contemporary Themes in Youth Work Practice, Thematic Area Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing - Essay Example e within the presentation, evaluate the facts presented, review values that have been drawn from the presentation, and then draw a conclusion of the entire review. This essay will record about a lecturer’s presentation that was prepared by Perry (2010). The presentation is part of the publications by the ChildTrauma Academy and the material is described as a presentation because of the slides used in presenting the information. The presentation offers an introduction to the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT), and in this regard, it discusses five core principles of the model. The principles discussed include brain organisation and function. The second principle is neurodevelopment and memory. The third principle is relational neurobiology and attachment. The fourth principle is stress, distress, and trauma, while the last principle is neglect. One of the key messages within the presentation is that the brain is an integral part of the human body and it accord humans the ability to experience humanity. This assertion is supported by the fact that the brain organ allows the human body to perform basic tasks like walking and talking, and even experiencing feelings like sadness or happiness (Brendtro, et al. 2009). On the issues of neurodevelopment and memory, Perry (2010) stated that the human brain develops overtime from conception and the rate of development after the age of three and four years becomes steady onwards whilst other body parts experience continued growth. Dobson and Perry (2010) supported this assertion by stating that human beings especially young people enhance their social and personal development through programmes under youth work, which is voluntary and complements formal education or training that also contributes to the development of young people. Therefore, youth work is part of the programmes that contribute to the steady development of the human brain. Thirdly, Perry (2010) stated that the timing, quantity, and nature of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

No fixed topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

No fixed topic - Essay Example The four famous composers of this period included Dunstable, Despres, Ockeghem, and Dufay. Following the beginning of tradition in the sixteenth century, many people who were interested in music readily associated themselves with the classical music leading to the abandonment of the model system of the harmonic music. Many music composers shifted from composing harmony music and started composing classical. Composers moved away from composing these traditional types of music, which had lasted for over three hundred years introducing a strong sensation in songs with a definite tonal key (Gangwere 256). This was also termed as a golden period since many masses, anthems, motets, and madrigals followed this new form of music. In addition, this high demand of music lead to the establishment of instrumental music especially keyboard music, which was in the form of fantasies, variation, and dance movements. Some of the note-composers who emerged during this period included Dowland, Byrd, Vi ctoria, Lassus, Cardoso, and many others. During 11th century, one of the genius music composers Guido applied the concept of music to stringed instruments. His diatonic scale, which had eight full tones and seven intervals with two semitones, was the first keyboard to be in use. This type of keyboard had only twenty keys. There are no reliable historical sources showing the first person who applied the concept of the chromatic scale. Later on in 1548, Guiseppe Zarlino added the remaining two semitones to his keyboard. During the sixteenth century, almost every keyboard manufacturers used chromatic scale, which the same thing associated with the modern pianos. Since the development of keyboard, many amendments have been made to the chromatic keyboard to perfect its performance. In 1811, Dr. Krause constructed an improved keyboard whose semitones were of the same level, and all the keys had a uniform color. Later, another piano maker from Vienna constructed a keyboard in the form of concave. The aim of constructing concave-formed keyboard was to follow the learning of the keyboard players’ arm. This is evidence that, the modern keyboard has gone through many amendment, especially the concept of the keys layout. The layout of the whole and semi-tones has evolved over centuries (Gangwere 272). 5. Examine how Enlightenment philosophy and the spirit of capitalism influenced the music of the Classical period. The enlightenment age began in 17th through the 18th century. This was a cultural movement, which started first in Europe and later in the America. The main purpose of enlightenment age was to bring change to the society helping people abandon their traditional believes and cultural practices, and advancing their living standards through scientific measures. It promoted scientific knowledge, which brought intellectual change hence opposing traditional cultures like power abuses by churches and state. This idea of enlightenment had many impacts on culture , politics, and western government. Enlightenment philosophy had great impacts on art. It brought some emphasis on learning whereby arts and music became widespread especially among the middle class people. It also led to the establishment of many study areas where literature, philosophy, science, and expensive art

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Chandra Levy Case and Analytical Errors Term Paper

Chandra Levy Case and Analytical Errors - Term Paper Example The Chandra Levy case had all the makings of a sensational Greek tragedy – a Representative who apparently was a womanizer and was suspected by many of being a cold-blooded murderer; a pretty, young, naà ¯ve woman from a well-to-do background, who had been having an affair with the United States Representative, and was now missing; incessant leaks from the police force; rumors of Chandras pregnancy, which supposedly gave Condit â€Å"motive† for killing her; and a sensational sit-down interview with Connie Chung that garnered enormous ratings and made Condit look guiltier than ever, due to his evasive answers and arrogant demeanor. The media went wild, and the general public, fueled by the media and prosecutors in the case, â€Å"knew† that Condit was guilty. In the end, there were two casualties – Chandra Levy and Condits career. Both were dead. This was the shameful result of an out-of-control media and prosecutors who were focused on Condit to the expense of all other theories and suspects. As it turned out, an El Salvadoran immigrant is highly suspected of Chandras murder, an immigrant that had been attacking women in the very park where Chandra went before the disappeared, allegedly to meet Condit for a romantic rendezvous that ended with her murder. This last piece of information proved to be inaccurate, or, at the very least, the product of lurid speculation. Condit may have been a lot of things – a womanizer and phony are two pejoratives that come to mind – but he was not a murderer, despite what the media sought to portray. These are the facts of the case. There is no question that the focus of the investigation, in the eyes of the media, prosecutors and public, was on Condit. The question that has not been answered is why? Why didnt the media and prosecutors seize on the possibility that a man who had been attacking women in the park, during the period of time that Chandra went missing, could have been the

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Public Sees the World not as It Is,but through the Filters of the Essay

The Public Sees the World not as It Is,but through the Filters of the Media - Essay Example The question, then, becomes—manufactured by whom? Also relevant is the question of what is being manufactured. Reality, as some thinkers would say, is what is being manufactured and is being done so by the media, which developed countries are increasingly reliant upon for information about the world. The purpose of this paper is to find examples and principles regarding how media constructs reality, with particular emphasis on the construction and imposition of gender, and how this construction interferes with the notion of a real reality. First, however, it is important to start with definitions of important terms; the first of these terms is â€Å"culture.† In saying that a culture is responsible for manufacturing truth, one is suggesting that shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices of a group are creating an integrated pattern of symbols to represent its beliefs, knowledge, and ideas. In other words, a culture is a set of shared attributes of a group, which ha s the capability of creating a symbolic system that represents those shared attributes. Language is the keystone example of how groups transcribe concepts and abstract ideas into symbols and signs representing its shared reality. A culture is a tool toward this social symbolic thought. Another important definition to clarify is that of media. To say that media assists in the construction of reality, one is suggesting that the tools or instruments that store and deliver information are actually responsible for giving meaning to the information they communicate. McLuhan (1964) coined the phrase â€Å"the medium is the message,† meaning that the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a mutual relationship in which the medium influences how the message is perceived. As applied to gender, a message delivered by a scantily clad woman on a television about the best tasting beer is likely to have a different meaning than the same message delivered by an old woman tal king on the radio about the same topic. Media, then, is any medium by which information is stored and delivered to the public. This is a very wide-ranging definition of media that captures the essential point that media is a broader instrument to communication than simply speaking or acting in a certain way. Media is also goal-directed, whether that goal consists of inspiring action in its recipients, making a profit, or informing certain people of events happening in the world. Lastly, a third relevant definition to be considered is for gender. The idea of â€Å"gender† is conceptually distinct from sex, which is tied more fundamentally to the biology of an individual’s body. What is relevant here, then, is not the identification the individual can make of himself or herself with regard to what is anatomically true about his or her body, but rather the kind of individual he or she identifies with as a person. To the extent that cultures are capable of creating their o wn systems of symbols to represent their own beliefs and attitudes, so too can individuals form beliefs and attitudes about personally relevant issues such as which groups in society he or she identifies with. According to the sex and gender description, one social identifier open to individual choice is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Effects of the Boundaryless Career on Individuals, Organisations Essay

The Effects of the Boundaryless Career on Individuals, Organisations and Society - Essay Example The paper tells that a boundaryless career can be defined in its simplest term as a career that crosses multiple boundaries in a non- linear manner or can also refer to career opportunities that extend beyond the boundary of a single employer. This is the direction that most careers in the 21st century have assumed. Globalization and technological advancement have been implicated in transforming the traditional career which assumed the organizational approach to boundaryless approach which entails movement across many employers and defiance of the traditional organizational assumptions that advocated for career advancement and hierarchy. Through intense training and skill development, individuals have been able to increase their productivity through job specialization that is doing what you know best while trying to diversify in order to remain relevant in the job market. It has also increased the social capital of individuals in the workplace. This refers to personal networks one ha s. Individuals have been working hard to increase these networks so as to increase their job security and stability. Boundaryless career also has its share of demerits on individuals. Some of the negative effects it has had on individuals are increased susceptibility to job insecurity or diminished sense of job security. This type of career lacks elements of job security and stability and this is evident because of its unstable nature and the ever-present mobile status. It also lacks steady increase in the level of income like the traditional organizational career. This is mostly contractual and so most of the time income stays constant. It also lacks status derived from positions.

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Marketing - Essay Example Marketing is therefore an essential department in every organization since it deals with the product and service proportion thereby catering for the organization’s operations. The department works in close relation with other management departments to ensure the organization operates as a unified whole. In carrying out their mandate, the marketing department develops its operations depending on the nature of the target market for every product or service in the industry. Additionally, the department counsels the production department thereby ensuring that the company produces appropriate goods and services that meet the market demand. Apple manufactures hand held telecommunication devices such as tablets, computers, and laptops. However, the company’s products and services access the international market owing to the fact that some of the phones and products it manufactures are marketed globally. This implies that the company has a big market and therefore several compe titors all that it must compete effectively against to maintain its operations. With this understanding, Apple has a dedicated marketing department, which has steered the organization through success within the years of its operations.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Elements of Design in the film 300 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Elements of Design in the film 300 - Essay Example This paper is a literature review of the film is called 300. This is an American fantasy action film that was released in the year 2006. The film is based on a 1998 comic series also named 300 by an author called Frank Miller. The film is revolves around the story of the battle of Thermopyle. There were many artists who were involved in the film’s production. These artists include the director, the production designer and also the art director.The director of the film was Zack Synder. Zack Synder was hired to direct the film especially so because earlier before, he had attempted to produce a film that was based on Miller’s novel. His main role was the planning and directing of the film ensuring that the shooting went smoothly. At some point in the production of the film, he photocopied panels from the original comic book then used this to plan the preceding and succeeding shots. The production designers of the film included; Gianni Nunnari, Frank Miller, Mark Canton and Jeffrey Silver. Their main role in the film was to acquire the film rights of the movie then proceeds to produce it. Frank miller acted as the consultant and the executive producer in the film production since the whole idea of the film revolved around his novel. Hence his output and opinions were highly sorted. Michael Gordon is the one whose task was to write the film script. The art directors of the film were Shaun Smith and Mark Rappaport. Their main task was the designing of the different look of every individual character in the set. They also designed and produced the prosthetics, the props, the weapons and also the dummy bodies needed for the production. The film was shot indoors against a blue screen. The cinematographer was Larry Fong and he devised an efficient and effective method of integrating overhead and key lighting which made it easy to do faster and more efficient shooting. This method made it easy for the perspective to change by simply turning and reversing the lighting. This was made easier because all the lights were pre-mounted hence all one had to do was just to flip a switch. The film producers choose the blue screen over the green screen because the film has a lot of red. The problem with the green screen was that there is bound to be production of a yellow edge when one has saturated red on the green screen. The amount of light bouncing back off the blue screen is different from that of the green screen. More light bounces off the green screen than the blue screen. This results in the production of a screens that are brighter and not suitable for the shooting of the film (Hanson, 2007). The setting of the film is ancient Sparta and the battle site of Thermopylae where the Greeks, the Spartans and their allies were able to hold a large mass of invading Persian army led by their king, Xerxes who was deemed as a god king. The Persians invaded in 480 BC and the 300 Spartans and their allies met the invading Persian armies at the narrow mountain pass of Thermopylae. The pass was wide enough for only one chariot and a few number of warriors at a time, hence the Spartans choose it to hold their ground. The small Spartan army and its allies was led by King Leonidas of Sparta. The Spartan culture was primarily military. the Spartans were completely dedicated to a military life. This was their entire way of life. The Spartans started their training from birth where only the only physically strong babies were allowed to live. The boys were then taught reading and writing which was necessary for their basic needs. Then after that all their time and knowledge was dedicated to training for fighting (Hanson, 2007). The costumes were designed to suit every individual character in the film. The flowing red cape worn by the Spartans was preferred because of ease of movement over the common leather strapped skirts worn by the ancient Spartans. The weapons used were also carefully chosen to fully present the actual weapons used by the ancient Sp

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Macro Econ 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Macro Econ 3 - Assignment Example This can be illustrated by the fact that there will be a small change in production because the workers already have enough capital for production. This is evidenced by the fact that capital is put through diminishing returns, a situation where output decreases as the amount of capital is increased (Mankiw, 2012). The higher rate of saving does not increase the growth rate indefinitely since more capital is not put to use in helping the country. Instead, as income rises, the growth finally slows down. All this is due to the effect of diminishing returns to scale, which affect the growth rate in the short-term and stabilizes it as income increases. Question 4 Investment is a process through which the government can increase its factors of production for future use, which can be done by improving current resources to produce more capital (Mankiw, 2012). Conversely, national saving is the amount of resources that remains after the deduction of consumption and governments purchases in an economy. The relationship between investment and national savings can be illustrated by the equation: Y=C+I+G+NX; where I represents investment, C is consumption, Y is GDP, G denotes government purchases NX is the net export, given by exports less imports. Provided that no other factors act on the economy are altered, for example the represented government does not borrow any money outside or doe not engage itself in international trade, the above equation will have some changes and the outcome is; Y=C+I+G, which happens because the net exports remain constant. The above equation shows that GDP is derived from the sums of consumption, investment and government purchases, and investment can be obtained the equation by subtracting C, (consumptions) and I, (investments) on both sides, Y- C-G = I The above results shows that investments is equivalent to national savings provided that the left side of an equation represents total income resulting from the payment of income and governmen t purchases. Hence it shows that there is a relationship between national savings and investments. Productivity Growth Question 1 The FRBSF economic letter (2009) indicates that before 1995, the main contributor of productivity growth was human capital and the physical capital, but after 1995 this changed to Information Technology (IT) since productivity started rising in the mid 1990s in the firms that were using IT. The changes come about due to rapid transformation of information technology and its use in many sectors for the transfer of information, computers and semiconductors. The use of information technology increased the labor productivity rate which led to a higher productivity growth, which is the reason behind the difference between the year 1995 and earlier years where the productivity growth rate was low. Question 2 Based on the author’s observation, it is possible that the US economy will, in future, still be the largest and most productive (FRBSF, 2009). This observation is due to the fact that the productivity growth rate between 1995 and 2000 was due to the implementation of Information Technology which had a bigger share of investment and the US government had invested fully on it. Based on the different authors in the symposium, the productivity rate of 2% per annum will be sustained

Monday, July 22, 2019

Photosynthesis (Chemical change) Essay Example for Free

Photosynthesis (Chemical change) Essay Description: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, some bacteria, and some protistans use the energy from sunlight to produce sugar, which cellular respiration converts into ATP, the fuel used by all living things. Plants are able to make their own food. Plants produce chlorophyll, a pigment usually found on leaves. It gives the plant its green color while being a key component in making food for itself. How can the change affect the health, environment or industry? Plants use the energy from sunlight to produce sugar. The energy and oxygen created by plants from photosynthesis keeps life sustainable on Earth. It is one of the many ways our world uses the sun as a source for energy. Scientists for years have been studying the blueprint of photosynthesis in hopes of duplicating its process. They are continually making strides toward unlocking the keys to reproducing this cycle. How can I maximize the benefits / minimize the harmful effect of the change? Photosynthesis is one of the most important biological processes on Earth. Life is sustainable on Earth because of this process. Agencies may form laws to protect the environment, and recycling reuses materials made from natural resources. Burning Plastic Bags (Physical Change) Description: Burning plastic bags has been advocated by some environmental campaigners as a greener alternative to burying them in landfill sites, as it is thought that they are not biodegradable because they have existed for less than a generation, there is not yet a definitive answer to the question of biodegradability. How can the change affect the health, environment or industry? It can  increase the risk of heart disease and cause rashes, nausea, or headaches. It can damage the nervous system, kidney or liver, in the reproductive and development system. It can also affect the central nervous system, causing headaches, fatigue, weakness, and depression. Burning plastic bags releases toxins into the atmosphere, creating pollution. Not only these people who are burning the trash are exposed to these pollutants, but also their neighbors, children and families. How can I maximize the benefits / minimize the harmful effect of the change? Separate plastic waste from other waste. Do not burn any plastics in your yard or house. Reduce wastes by buying products that can be reused or refilled. We can also recycle papers, glass and metals. Deforestation (Physical Change) Description: Deforestation refers to the cutting, clearing, and removal of rainforest or related ecosystems into less bio-diverse ecosystems such as pasture, cropland, or plantations. How can the change affect the health, environment or industry? Trees are necessary for rain. Tree cutting can lead to flood and deforestation, a transformation of an area from forest to terrain with little vegetation. Plants create oxygen and absorb greenhouse gases. The destruction of trees may, therefore, encourage global warming. Cutting trees can result in the loss of habitat for animal species, which can harm ecosystems. How can I maximize the benefits / minimize the harmful effect of the change? We should tell the citizens about the actual side effects of cutting down trees. To find the alternative means other than the use of tree for usual  activities like cooking, building and for furniture; Instead we are to use plastic and iron material for furniture and building purposes and also the use of gases for cooking. We can also create strict laws against cutting of trees and improper use of tree products.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Economic Impacts of transnational corporations on industrialised countries

Economic Impacts of transnational corporations on industrialised countries Identify and comment on the economic and environmental impacts of transnational corporations on newly industrialized countries you have studied. Introduction The object of this report is to assess the economic environmental impacts of the transnational corporations (TNC) on the newly industrialized countries (NICs) such as India, China, Thailand, Mexico, Philippine, Malaysia, Turkey, South Africa and Brazil Since the mid of 1980s, the economic strategies of NICs include Singapore, Malayasia Thailand have shown a amazing degree of meeting in one impact-driven growth strategies. They rely essential on transnational corporations (TNCs). While achieving this type of strategic economic growth the newly industrialized countries have been dun economical environmental both positive and negative impacts from the transnational corporations. Under below arias the report describes how TNCs impact to the NICs. The mainly focused arias are Investment, Technology, Transport, Employment, Urbanization, Environment-Safety, Furthermore the report assess TNSc overall impact to the Environment as well as to the economy of NICs. What are TNCs? Trans National Corporations (TNCs) are companies which operate in at least 2 countries. Its organization is very hierarchical with the headquarters as well as research development often located in the mother country. Production centers tend to be host countries. When organization becomes more worldwide regional headquarters and regional research development will widen in the manufacturing countries. This gives TNCs many advantages, such as right of entry to the global market, cheap labor, low production costs, consequently greater profits. The headquarters of these remains in its mother country, most of the time lots of them are developed nations in the world, like USA UK. Their established factories allover the world, which either produces entire finished Goods or parts, for the company to sell on the global market. Among all the TNCs in the world, Most of them are oil companies such as Exxon (Esso) BP, car manufacturing companies (for instance Toyota, Ford, Nissan and Volkswagen). Other familiar companies like IBM, Sony Coca-Cola are also can defined as being TNCs. Trance National Corporations are established globally for their advantages, to earn more profits. They bring with them both positive and negative impacts for the country which host to TNCs. Top 10 TNCs in 2009 TNCs manufacturing high-tech Scientific instructions, pharmaceuticals microelectronics, (Mitsubishi, Smithkleine, Glaxo- Sony) Large volume of consumer goods Tyres, Motor vehicles, televisions other electronic products (Toyota, Daimler, Ford, Volkswagen, General Motors) 3) Mass produced consumer goods cigarettes, beverages, breakfast cereals, cosmetics branded goods (Mars, Uniliever, Nestle, Kraft foods) 4) Service Banking/ insurance, hotel chains, freight transport, advertising, fast food outlets (IN group, AXA, Citigroup, HSBC, Allianz, Dexia) TNCs organize manage economic activities in different regions develop trade inside between units of the similar corporation in different regions. It means most of the time control the terms of the trade can diminish the effect of quota boundaries on the movement of products, go around trade tariffs. What are NICs? Country that has within recent decades experienced a get through into rapid productivity growth, rapid export oriented economic growth, quick industrialization farther a high amount of investment and assets formation largely funded from local savings, and a high tendency to export, with end user durables and machinery accounting for a large share of exports. Superior examples are South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore. These countries invest capital and production facilities in other developing countries like China, Vietnam, India, and some countries in South East Asia. Within 20th century lots of East Asia countries were industrialized such as South Koria, Taiwan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Japan. These states are called as NICs (Newly Industrialized Countries). Further sometimes they are called as Tiger Economies because of the attractive growth rate of these regions. The governments of NICs controlled over industrial development motivated industries to export manufactured products to abrade such as more developed states. The exports profits were re-invested in the local economy. Local businesses did grow; wages rose workers did spend their new assets to buy domestic goods and services thus motivating further growth. This type of rotation, knock-on effect, in that money paid out from businesses is invested again inside the country, is often called the multiplier effect. NICs have been being succeeded for the last 30 years. That successfulness of these economies has contributed to the turn down of manufacturing industries in MEDCs like UK. Industries struggled to compete with the NICs competition, because their production cost and wages were very low. Characteristics of NICs Countries whorled market exporter share is increasing, they often copying existing products then reproducing for a much low price. Continues growth in the production sector that results for more exports continues increasing of GDP. Generally NICs Can be developed by three stagers, thats traditional society to a developed country society. Three stagers are explained below. The time frame of whole process can be minimum 30 years. Traditional society: There are more labors work under the industry, its labor oriented. Concentrating on small cottage-style traditional industries, concentrated on local raw materials. Instance could include food processing, textile manufacture Most of the time, lots of people are still work in the primary sector, doing things include farming. Using primary technologies most of the people have less money. Import the products what they want, that indicate county is not producing what they actually needed addicted to import products. Import substitution industries: The country does promote its own industries. Newly started companies imitate products from well known market giants and then produce them for low price. The government operates tariff barrios for the products are being imported trades that make similar products. The purpose of that is protecting their own domestic companies whilst they grow. Instance industries are computer manufacture, car manufacture, electronic goods and other electrical goods, like hi-fis. Export orientated industries: The new companies set up in their state they are allowed to run free upon the global market. Industries are being capital intensive, using high technology aimed at earning a big profit. The gross domestic product (GDP) of the country starts to increase, mostly growing at above 5% per One year that is a wonderful rate. Now the country has been being an NIC. How do TNCs affect to the NICs economy their environment? Investment: Advantages: The companies earn, invest, bring foreign currency into the country. Though most of their earnings come back to the companys country of host, all the remunerations do come to the local economy Disadvantages: The salaries paid to host country workers are very low and a lot of companies have been accused of exploiting the workforce before benefiting that. There are frequently tax incentives for such TNCs to establish in countries in the developing world. Due to the fact that they get lots of their profits out of the country that says the real economic benefit to the country could be limited. Technology: Advantages: TNCs help the development of the NICs by bringing in latest technology and new knowledge that the host country doesnt use. Disadvantages: If not the company does actively participate in the program to educate domestic companies in the latest technologies, the countrys industry wont actually benefit. TNCs are not going to share too much information. If the local industry competition will increase because of new knowledge TNCs have to compete even with the local companies. Transport: Advantages: The new TNCs mostly help to develop transport links around the company area. Disadvantages: Mostly serve only the direct roads, rails that needs of the company, not the surrounding area as well. Employment: Advantages: They do create job opportunities for the NICs domestic employees. Disadvantages: Most of the jobs opportunities are highly skilled so the company uses their own people to do the work Because of the technological environment of these companies. Remain less jobs opportunities. Urbanization: -launching a TNC in a city in NIC does encourage urbanization. Young migrant workers gather to the city. It influence to the rural communities their development Environment-Safety: Advantages: TNSc bring with them some environmental friendly technologies expertise to decrees harmful pollution establish a safe working environment. Disadvantages: a lot of TNCs have very bad history on environmental pollution workers safety. They have been complained of trying to cut both safety of working environment and environmental pollution in order to keep costs down. . Advantages to TNCs They have the capability to take benefits of spatial differences in factors of manufacture line. TNCs can utilize differences in the accessibility of labor, capital, and building or land costs. e.g. In 2002 Dyson did move its manufacture plant in Malmesbury, Wiltshire to Malayasia to take benefit of cheap labor. Dyson retained several hundred jobs of employees in Wiltshire for research and development (RD) saving of 30% of cost in production. They can position to take benefit of government policy barriers include, subsidies, lower taxes grants and less strict government lows on employment and environmental pollution. Overall impact to the Economic growth Development of NICs can be potentially promoted by transnational corporations through their activities that generate economic growth. Some evidence exists that the foreign exchange and foreign direct investment that TNCs provide can improve the performance of the economy of the NICs which they operate in. The process of economic growth is impacted by the TNCs influencing the transfer of soft hard technology, quality amount of capital formation, growth of trade opportunities the imprudent of labor. Further, Such as Taiwan, Province of China South Korea demonstrates that under some situations economic development can promote social development. For instance in Taiwan, enormous growth of economy has been combined with developed educational levels, the longer life spans, got good health conditions, advanced political liberalization, housing environment, superior civil liberties. Theoretically TNCs can uplift the development of the NICs society by fostering economic growth; practically this relationship exists for two reasons. Mainly, in the host countries it is not clear whether transnational corporations are really responsible for the growth of economy. In the most recent two notable cases related to economic transformation, Taiwan and South Korea, a negligible role was played by transnational corporations. Further, TNCs actually have the ability to prevent NICs local economic growth by running local entrepreneurs out of the business zone, along with the importing of main goods and services, reducing large amounts of the profits from their local NICs, and transferring royalties and fees to the main companies which are located away from the host economy. Secondly, even if the economy of the NIC is not developing, there is a tenuous relationship between social development and economic growth. Even though there is an global economic growth annually, it is yet hard to prevent the problems of poverty, unemployment, inequality in wealth, and such other issues of social malaise. For example In Cote dIvoire, from 1960 to 1975 the TNCs could have helped to foster aggregate the growth of the economy, they did only a very little to uplift the development of the society: increase in unemployment, income distribution expanded and nationals increasingly started losing the control over the industrial capacities of the country. In some, under some circumstances TNCs can act as the engines of growth of economy, the power of economy is very rarely harnessed to the achievement of development. Overall impact to the Environment Transnational corporations can have a negative impact through a demotion of resources in the environment to the social development. And over the past ten years such entities had been responsible for environmental disasters. For an example, Union Carbide in Bhopal, India, Exxons Valdez spill off Alaska, and Texaco To a group of environmental problems TNCs have been linked. Fifty percent of the green house emissions are generated by them, in which they are responsible for global warming. Furthermore they are also the users of ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and they are also producers of CFCs. Explaining further, transnational corporations are responsible for the pollution of land, air, wetlands, water and the oceans. Ultimately, through their mining activities and commercial logging, there is a contribution to deforestation by the TNC. For example in the mid-1980s, there was a control of 90per cent of the logging by the foreign corporations in Gabon and in Congo it was 77 per cent. As a result of such mining and logging negative effects such as flooding, loss of topsoil rapid run-off of rain have occurred; Farmers are economically not in a rich status to buy the land from forest owners and usually TNCs dont internalize such social costs. Hence such negative externalities cannot be p revented. The connection between TNCs the environment is massively complex even though transnational corporations can definitely obstruct social development through their environmental practices .But yet the Critics dont mention that consumption of environmental resources should be abstained by transnational corporations, instead they should promote sustainable growth and development via their activities. In the meantime there is a practice by the TNCs to follow demoted environmental standards in the developing countries with comparison to the developed countries; and it is found with evidence that environmental practices are very responsible in developing regions than in domestic firms functioning in such countries. Nevertheless, critics emphasize that, as a result of having better resources they have better access to RD, It is the liability of the TNCs to promote environmentally sustainable practices and they bare that responsibility. Some companies undergoing so much of pressure have start ed to follow more environmentally responsible policies. Example, a maligned polluter named Dow Chemical, had to establish one-and-a-half days each session with the environmentalists brief senior management quarterly. The salary of the manager was pegged to the goals of the environment, and a toxic release of 32 per cent between 1988 and 1991. Further some laudable environmental practices were also implemented by the IBM including rewards for the employees for technical innovations which helped to comply with the environmental standards. Finally 18 environmental awards were won by ATT since 1990. On the other hand, expect these three companies majority pillage to consume environmental resources from the countries that are developing and they consume these environmental resources in a destructive and unsuitable manner. practices that definitely hamper prospects for development. Some of the companies that involves in issues related to the environment are General Electric and DuPont, for example, Dupont was responsible for toxic chemical releases in 254 million pounds during the period of 1991 in the United States, and this has led to minimize such practices that destroys environment. e.g. Conclusion The report offers a basic understanding of the economic environmental impacts of the transnational corporations (TNC) on the newly industrialized countries (NICs) such as India, China, Thailand, Mexico, Philippine, Malaysia, Turkey, South Africa and Brazil. It presents and showing that state to some famous beliefs, TNCs investments helped the host stats in industrialization of the host states were given credits. An in detailed analysis is given on the variety of critical factors that TNCs concentrate on the investment decisions. Such as Investment, Technology, Transport, Employment, Urbanization, Environment-Safety and so forth. The report will be a useful source to be aware of how sustainable economic growth will achieve by reducing environmental pollutions saving environmental resources for potential needs. Further the NICs must reach their targets by focusing their concentrations towards TNCs their habits. Otherwise NICs will not be able go for their future goals through TNCs operations. NICs must be the strongest partner NICs need to be influence the TNCs by using their power. Then finally both NICs and TNCs can reach the goals together.

Tasks and Functions of Management

Tasks and Functions of Management Executive Summary As retrieved from Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary; manager is defined as the person who is responsible for managing an organization which is mainly associated with the management which is described as the control and organization of something. (Cambridge University Press, 2008).This assignment gives a good understanding on the roles played by a manager in a management. We are able to understand effectively the do’s and don’t’s briefly on a managerial roles and managements styles for future undertakings. Based from Task 1, the managerial roles and mangement styles is deifined and explained based from an organization im involved on achieving appropriate goals of the organization. Meanwhile, the Task 2 identifies the problems or limitations faced by manager in effective decision making and how it affects the organization and management. This manager’s role and managerial styles with the barriers to effective decision making faced by managers is being explained briefly in few parts which includes the introduction, management and organization, barriers to effective decision making, and also conclusion and recommendation on the task given. The findings consist of understanding about the management, managers and their functions with the roles played by them such as interpersonal roles, informational roles, and also decisional roles. Besides that, the history of the organization with the coordination of effort, common goals or purposes, division of labor and the hierarchy of authority is being discussed in here. Not only that, the barriers types such as personal confidence, confirmation bias, anchoring bias, and illusory correlations is also being discussed for better understanding. Lastly, it can be concluded that, by completing the given task, one can able to identify the important criteria that a manager must consider always in making a decision with suitable recommendations for developing alternative solutions to the occurring problem for the best decision making barriers. Introduction To perform a variety of roles in an organization we need to study the management in order to examine the role that managers expect .These roles were solely developed by a researcher who is;Henry Mintzberg in late 1960s after a careful and in-depth study of executives at work. (Burgaz, 1997) If a manager has to achieve the goal in a organization, he has to follow the ten managerial roles which are divided into three categories. The categories are interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles. The efficiency and effectiveness to manage an organization is the priority progress. Thus manager’s neglect or these processes are executed. The problem might be wrongly defined, or goals misidentified. Insufficient solutions might be generated, or they may have be evaluated incompletely. A satisfying choice compared to maximizing choice may be made. Implementation poorly planned or executed, monitoring may be inadequate or nonexistent. Decision making are influenced by few categories which can be divided to such like; subjective psychological biases, time pressures, and also social realities. 2.0 Management and Organizations The 21st century has brought with it a new workplace, one in which everyone must  adapt to face the rapid challenges and opportunities. The economy has become global and organizations have to transform themselves to serve new customer expectations. Knowledge based and performance driven is the method of the new economy. The themes widely used in the present context area are such related to ‘respect’, participation, empowerment alongside with teamwork and also self management. In the dark light of the above challenges a new kind of leader is needed to guide business through turbulence. Managers in organizations do this task. 2.1 Functions of Management In any organization, the most important issue is management. So, we should plan out things done systematically in order to be efficient and effective. Make sure that the plans are followed and the goals are met. Good management is the fundamental of a business. Maintaining a business is to achieve some success. To be more and more efficient is what almost every organization as well as a corporation and government strives for. Organizations often carry out important decisions based on how different alternatives will be efficient. Despite that, many organizations and managers undergo hard time to understand the difference correlatively between efficiency and effectiveness and often get â€Å"wrapped around the axle† debating semantics rather than actually evaluating the alternatives at hand. (Ted Schneider, 2008) These concepts are often use little consistency and in some areas drastic change lead to be interdependent. This proves that managers are well dedicated and plan system atically. 2.2 Who are Managers Managers are defined as an organized group of people whose purpose is solely to achieve the objectives and desired goals of an organization for the organization’s benefit. To get a better review of the discussed ideas and views expressed by academicians and involved practitioners; that managers are simply known as at the lowest level of management. Then, followed by the middle managers who manage between the first line level and the top level of the organization. Therefore the top level managers who are responsible for making decision and establishing plans and goals that effect the entire organization. 2.3 Managers Task Table 1: 10 Management Roles. Category Roles Interpersonal Roles Figurehead Role Leader Role Liaison Role Informational Roles Monitor Role Disseminator Role Spokesperson Role Decisional Roles Entrepreneur Role Disturbance Handler Role Resource Allocator Role Negotiator Role A manager is someone who coordinates and supervises the work of other people so that goals can be achieved. Besides that, managers too have to carry out additional task such as Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling. These functions provide a useful structure for management knowledge. Firstly, Planning can be defined as striving for goals and immerge plan for coordination purpose. Secondly, Organizing meant by setting up the work formation to achieve goals. Thirdly, Leading is to lead or guide people with the integrity to achieve goals. Finally controlling focusing and supervising the quality of the work. Mintzberg described Managerial work relates to ten roles those are divided into three categories. Firstly interpersonal roles are the figurehead, leader and liaison. Secondly was an informational role which relates to monitor, disseminator and spokesman. Finally is the decisional roles which caters the entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator and negotiator. Thu s, clearly notify the interpersonal, informational and decisional roles. 2.3.1 Interpersonal Roles Figurehead role perform the ceremonial duties. Leader role motivate and support the workers and Liaison role involve duties with other unit bodies. 2.3.2 Informational Roles Monitor role for environmental issues. Disseminator role is that to exchange or interchange knowledge in their departments. Spokesperson role part their knowledge by sharing information outside their companies. 2.3.3 Decisional Roles Entrepreneur role is to adopt and adapt to change. Disturbance handler role set an alert supervision to clear out any serious problem. Resource allocator collects and handles resources. Lastly, negotiator role compromise with update schedules, current projects, available resources, goals achievements and injecting employees to the company without fail. 2.3.4 Company History Jack Cohen from a market stall in East London founded in 1919. Currently we operate in 12 countries around the world, 530000 employees and serve thousands of customers daily. We are efficient in our sales experience. Nowadays, we believe that we do the right things to satisfy all walks of life that prefers our service. In Malaysia, from 2001 till today, TESCO had been the best Hypermarket. The mangers at TESCO prefer the interpersonal roles to welcome customers warmly, introducing new benefits and support charitable organizations. Besides this, managers motivate and encourage staffs to achieve the objectives. At TESCO, managers regularly acknowledge employees with celebratory lunches and gifts certificates. Moreover the managers exchange ideas outside their units. Evidence shows managers spend most of their sharing ideas and information with other ‘VIP’ groups. 2.4 Management Style Management style is a managerial parlance often used to describe the how of management. It is a function of behavior associated with personality.(McGuire.R, 2005).A way which is used to manage an organization can be referred as management style. Management style is â€Å"the adhesive that binds diverse operations and functions together†. It is the philosophy or set of principles by which the manager capitalizes on the abilities of the workforce.(Nwadukwe Uche.C, 2012).Management style is often mistaken for a procedure on how to do the management framework for doing. A management style is essentially a way of life to operate throughout the organization and to be able to permit an executive to rely on the initiative of the personnel of an entity. The four often used managerial styles in an organization are leadership and management style, autocratic style, democratic style, laissez-faire. In this organization, Tesco; the management choose democratic style to achieve the goals of the organization. Inputs are gathered and decisions as well as the responsibilities are shared is a way of how the democratic style is being implemented. This can be done where the manager ignites a meeting among the team member from the same department to brain storm and to make appropriate decision involving the specified task and to have a faith and trust on the team members to have the capability to develop the appropriate direction to fulfill the decision made. 2.5 An Organization Basically, an organization as known and not necessarily a legal entity, corporation or low liability company(LLC) is a person or group of people intentionally to achieve a common goal. A business organization varies in size from one person to thousands. Therefore essential aspects have to consider about the organization’s goal. These features are explicit; therefore deliberate and recognized or implicit in an operating unrecognized with the term â€Å"behind the scenes. (Koontz.H, 1997) Usually during the strategic planning process, these features are carefully considered and established ideally. Upon completing, well consider deeply on dimensions and concepts that are very common to organizations. The prominent psychologist, all the organizations together share four characteristics which is coordination effort, common goal or purpose, division labor, and hierarchy of authority. 2.5.1 Coordination Effort The well known quotation agrees that two heads are sometimes better than one; Individuals who join force together and be able to coordinate their mental and or physical efforts can accomplish many great and exciting things. (David A.Nadier) Great inventions and sky scrapers were erected by the talent and desire of an individual. Hence, collaboration and coordination only implies with multiple thoughts. 2.5.2 Common Goals or Purposes Managerial force and the Labor force coordinate with mutual interest, it ensures to achieve the target goal of the organization. 2.5.3 Division Labor An organization can use its human resources efficiently by systematically dividing complex tasks into specialized jobs. Division of labor permits in each organization member has to become more and more proficient by repeatedly doing the same assigned specialized task. The advantage of division of labor is well known to all of us. It is better to divide human resources into diversification tasks. When experience and proficiency exceeds, an organization can utilize its human resource to carry out the complex tasks into specialized jobs. Thus, division of labor is a healthy decision that can be implemented. 2.5.4 Hierarchy Of Authority Figure 1: The Hierarchy of Authority in TESCO,Malaysia. Table 2: Acronim of Hierarchy of Aunthority in TESCO,Malaysia. Acronim: AGM Area General Manager SGM Store General Manager TM Trading Manager SM Section Manager If an organization is to achieve the targeted goal, then it should follow a strict and rigid system of management. Thus providing the necessary guidelines and resources which procedure a conductive working environment. A leader should take charge and his commands are followed. Thus, authority should be given to such leaders in order to follow orders effectively and efficiently. Coordination of effort is difficult to achieve without a clear hierarchy of authority. Accountability is mainly enhanced by having such leaders so called ‘managers’ in an organization. 3.0 Barriers to Effective Decision Making Effective decision-making is an interdisciplinary process that involves applying social psychology, group dynamics and management theory (K.Borchardt, 2010). A vital part in making a good decision is actually checking the problems which can be solved by one. However, neglected difficulties, such as cognitive biases, often cause the most challenges in making effective decisions, which ends up making poor decisions. These mental barriers are often subconscious. Cognitive biases present both in individuals and teams often choose options and making decisions. However, there are ways to identify and leap over problems. The most important fact is that to ignore and break off from these barriers such as the personal overconfidence, confirmation bias and anchoring bias. 3.1 Personal Overconfidence Psychologists diligently have shown that human beings are precisely systematically overconfident in making judgments†. (A.Roberto, 2009) Personal overconfidence leads to poor judgment and often faces high-risk decisions for not prepared for any factors. This is more common to high performers who are very self-confident and ready to bear the risk. 3.2 Confirmation Bias A contractor who possesses a lengthy history of good work performance and a good working relationship can also lead to confirmation bias. In an organization groups decision making encourages confirmation bias. 3.3 Anchoring Bias Anchoring bias is the term used for the notion that we sometimes allow an initial reference point so it could distort our estimate. (S.Nickerson, 1998) Anchoring bias can occur when negotiating renewal of a contract or negotiating a new contract. Anchoring bias can also occur when the cost of supplying goods or services specified in the contract changes. This misjudge can lead to losses for the organization which can affect the whole managerial management. 3.4 Illusory Correlation Illusory correlation can be best described as the fact that we sometimes jump into conclusions about the relationship which is between two variables with no relationship exists.(Borchard, 2010). As an example, a manager whom hires someone under him may place too much reliance on a job candidate’s verbal presentation skills, believing there is a strong correlation of these skills with the skills required for excellent job performance. Second rate candidates are more preferably to be selected or hired through this illusory correlation. 4.0 Recommendation This task helps the student to understand fully on how manager should make effective decision making and it is recommended that managers need to focus on the relevant and irrelevant considerations as well as understand fully the act and consequences arise from the decision made. Besides that, other effective decision making theories are also suggested to improve the quality of management and managerial styles. Those theories are such like: Rational Decision Making Tradeoff Behaviour Decision Making Psychology Resistance to Change 5.0 Conclusion Eventually there are many roles in an organization which involve ways to handle various situations according to their management. In an organization managers can describe the managerial roles used to familiarize with the management style so they can achieve the goals of the organization. At this moment the managers can handle or face any barriers by making decision very effectively. In this situation, we should learn how to make decision very carefully and dont be so overconfidence in order to improve ourselves in a more effective decision making. References A.Roberto Michael The Art Of Critical Decision Making [Book].- 2009.- p. 56. Borchard John K. Overcoming Barriers to Effective Decision Making [Book].- [s.l.]: Contract Management, 2010. Burgaz Assit.Prof.Dr.Berrin Managerial Roles Approach And The Prominent Study Of Henry Mintzberg 1960 [Journal].- 1997.- p. 2. Cambridge University Press Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary [Book].- [s.l.]: Cambridge, 2008.- Vol. third edition. David A.Nadier Michael L.Thusman,Nina G.Hatvany Managing Organization[Journal]// Little ,Brown And Company Boston Tronto.- p. 42. Koontz.H Heinz Weihrich Managerial Roles Approach And The Prominent Study OfHenry Mintzberg 1960 [Journal].- 1997.- p. 10. McGuire.R Which Management Styleto Use [Journal].- London: The Pharmaceutical Journal, 2005.- 275: Vol. 9. Nwadukwe Uche.C Court Oggele Timinepere Management Styles and Organizational Effectiveness : An Appraisal of Private Enterprises in Eastern Nigeria [Journal].- Nigeria: American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2012.- no.9: Vol. 2. S.Nickerson Raymond Confirmation Bias : A Libiquitous Phenomenon Occurring InMany Guises [Journal]// Review of Clinical Psychology.- 1998.- p. 58. Ted Schneider Brian Leslie Efficienc Vs Effectiveness : Defining The Difference[Journal]// Switch Point LLC.- 2008.- p. 1. Weblite Tesco Homepage [Online]// 09 08, 2014. APPENDIX Principles and Practices in ManagementPage | 1

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Revenge and Vengeance in Shakespeares Hamlet - Family Honor :: The Tragedy of Hamlet Essays

Hamlet: Vengeance and Family Honor In the play of Hamlet the main theme is the theme of vengeance and the need of the characters to protect their family's honor. This does not only have to do with Hamlet himself but is also illustrated in two other important characters of the play, Laertes and Fortinbras. All three of these characters are faced with the problem of having to avenge their nemesis who had previously hurt their family or their family's name. The idea of vengeance for the sake of family honor causes great destruction throughout the play and causes many more people get caught up in this circle of destruction and vengeance. From the very beginning of the play the reader notices the first signs of the hate and the need of vengeance from some of the characters. Initially the Norwegian prince Fortinbras is shown getting ready for a voyage to conquer Denmark. His huge ambitions as we find out later are driven solely out of hate toward the old Danish King Hamlet (Hamlet's father) who had previously defeated Fortinbras' father in battle and took some of Norway's territory when Fortinbras was still a child. As a result, young Fortinbras aspires to recover the lands and power lost by his father as a way of honoring and avenging him. Then as the reader goes on further and deeper into the play, the feelings of hate and vengeance also take over the mind of Hamlet. After talking to his father's Ghost, and then staging the play Hamlet is almost totally sure that his uncle King Claudius had killed his father in order to take the power of the throne of Denmark. But unlike Fortinbras, Hamlet does not act quickly and is paralyzed by his own indecision and fear. This paralyzation or the inability for Hamlet to act and take vengeance could be described as being his main problem. "According to the view which was originated by Goethe and is still the prevailing one today, Hamlet represents the type of man whose power of direct action is paralyzed by an excessive development of his intellect." (Sigmund Freud) The climax occurs when Hamlet finally takes revenge, but unlike it is for Fortinbras, Hamlet's revenge comes with great cost to all. His previous inability to act and take revenge sooner cause, ironically, the death of b oth his mother (who drank the poison destined for Hamlet) and the woman he loved Ophelia (who most likely committed suicide because of Hamlet's murder of her father Polonius).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

The Catcher in the Rye was written by J.D. Salinger. The main character is Holden Caulfield. Holden is a troubled student, who is most of the time depressed. The book starts out with him somewhere like a medical center for depression and his health. Holden lives in New York. He starts out telling you about his brother D.B. who is a writer and lives in Hollywood. He then goes on to tell you how it all started. He has gotten kicked out by many schools, and his latest school, Pencey, is no different. The only subject he does well in is English. Everything else he does not care for. He is supposed to leave wednesday, but it is saturday. He has just gotten back from a fencing game which his team had to forfeit, because Holden forget the foils. His neighbor in their dorms, Ackley, keeps bothering him. Ackley does not take care of his hygiene and hates almost everybody except Holden. But Holden's roommate, Stradlater, comes in, causing Ackley to leave. Stradlater has a date with Jane, a fri end of Holden's. Stradlater gets ready then leaves Holden. Holden, Ackley, and another boy go out to eat, but none of them want to go to the movies, because Ackley and the other boy have already seen it. Holden does not care, because he hates movies. They go back to their dorms. Ackley goes to bed, and Holden just stares out the window. Stradlater comes in soon, and Holden asks him about his date. Stradlater will not say much which freaks out Holden. Holden and Stradlater then get into a fight and Stradlater beats him up. Holden then decides to leave early. His grandma has given him a whole bunch of money, so he goes to a cheap hotel. He leaves the hotel to go to a club, because he cannot sleep. He drinks a bit then goes to another club where he meets ... ...oo crowded, he leaves. He decides to bum his away across the U.S., so he wants to say goodbye to Phoebe. Phoebe is at school so he leaves a note for her with a secretary. It comes time for Phoebe to meet him but she does not. It takes her another hour to come. She comes with a big suitcase, and it confuses him. She wants to come with him. He gets mad at her, and checks the suitcase into a nearby locker security place. He lets her skip school even though she is mad at him. They go to the zoo, and after a while, she becomes no longer mad at him. He then takes her to the carousel where she rides it. He promises her he will not leave. He has been feeling sick. He goes home and gets sick, so his parents book him into the medical place. Then he says that is all he will tell you. He said to never start talking about people because you will start to miss them. Then it ends.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Building Classroom Discipline Essay -- Education School Classroom Teac

In the past few years it seems that schools have really lost touch with the discipline of students. With the increasing frequency of school shootings and acts of violence it seems that the students are running the show instead of the teachers and administrators. There are many factors that are involved in creating a great classroom or a horrible classroom. From the way the teachers punish misbehaving students or the way they reward them when they do something right, to how involved the parents are with their children's education. The purpose of this paper is to explain how classroom management, when used effectively by the teacher, can produce an excellent learning environment for students. According to C.M. Charles, the author of "Building Classroom Discipline," the definition of discipline is, "what teachers do to help students behave acceptably in school (1999,p3)." Discipline is associated to misbehavior, wherever misbehavior is found, and discipline is needed. The main goals of discipline are to prevent, suppress and redirect misbehavior. Students can also be cruel and disruptive, which can deny the purpose of learning in the classroom. Another goal of discipline is to help students control their own behavior in and outside the classroom (Charles, 1999). My own definition of discipline is using any means necessary to keep a classroom organized, productive and accessible for learning. Discipline is necessary in a classroom, to give students an opportunity to learn to there fullest. Without discipline, the classroom would be a place where teachers could not perform their job but a place for them to baby-sit misbehaved children. Teacher quality is the most important issue when dealing with how effective a classroom will ... ...dents have the ability to learn to their fullest potential. When the environment is not controlled it is not a healthy place for kids to learn, it seems more like a day care while parents are at work. Another is having a relationship outside the classroom with students. Being involved in their life both academically and personally increases the trust and respect from a student toward the teacher. Most students go through stages as they become older. If there are misbehaved students it is important to remember that it is common to find students that are rebels. It is important to work with the students instead of just giving them to someone else to deal with. They are just looking for some attention and they want people to notice them and like them. If a teacher follows some of the thing mentioned earlier, they it will create a healthy, happy and vigorous classroom.

Geological History Of Adair Park South West Arizona

I. On Saturday, November 16, 2013, our Geology class went to Adair Park Yuma Arizona on our adventure of a lifetime. The point of the trip was to view real life examples of some of the things that we have studied over the course of this semester. Actually being able to see examples of such things as cross-bedding dikes, unconformities, folds faults and various sedimentary features. II. The first stop of the field trip was to look at the Gneiss. The Gneiss has been around for about 1. 6 bilion years. The probable type of contact metamorphism The general term for all such incorporated bodies is inclusions.Xenoliths are usually reconstituted through the processes of contact metamorphism, in which heat and fluids cause mineralogic and chemical changes in the parent rock of the xenolith; a study of these changes can give information on the temperature and composition of the magmatic body. The mineral compostition that what we could see were Biotite, Muscovite and quartz. The other signifi cant feature the dikes(white) that was younger in the cross cuting through the Gneiss. III. The second stop of this field trip was to look at the Granite. The Granite and has been here for around 1. 4 billion years.The type of rock Granite which is Igneous with a funeratic course grined, with grains visible on fresh surface. The type of mineral composition in the Granite is Orthoclase, Quartz and Biotite. IV. The third stop of this field trip was to look at the Pegimatite. The Pegmatite has been around for about 73 million years. Pegmatite is very coarse granite. Pematieites are thought to form from the bolatile low-denisity fluids that crystallize last from the grainitic magma. V. The fourth stop of this field trip was to look at the Red Beds. The red beds have been in the area around 20-30 million years old.The steep cliffs of Adair Park and the surrounding lowlands offer breathtaking exposures of the lower subunit–the red conglomerates/breccias and gypsum. These red-bed de posits are composed of interbedded breccias, conglomerates, sandstones. In other areas it commonly forms a medium thin, dirty, discontinous bed up to 10 – 60 cm thin beds are usually well sorted, clast-supported, commonly normally graded.The conglomerates are also thinly bedded and clast-supported, but are moderately well-sorted to poorly sorted and contain an abundance of angular to well-rounded quartz, feldspar,  calcite, granite and gneiss. metamorphic, and mafic volcanic clasts. The conglomerates can generally be distingushed from the breccias by their well-bedded nature. VI. The fifth stop of this field trip was to look at the Green/Tan Beds. The green and tan beds have been in the area around 20-30 million years old. These green and tan bed deposits are compsed of gypum. On other areias it commony forms a thin disconintuous bed up to 10 cm thin are usually well sorted , clast-supported commonly normally well sorted, commonly normally graded.The gypsum are also thinly bedded and poorly sorted, but are mederately  well-sorted to poorly sorted and contain an abundance of angular calcite, and hornblend. See Figure 2. VII. The sixth stop of this field trip was to look at the diobase dike. This diobase dike have been here less than 10 million years. The diobase dike are composed of a metamorphic- plutonic basement that is overlain by middle Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks.. Much of thesedimentary sequence was deposited before the onset of volcanism and tectonism, although the local presence of clasts of volcanic origin suggests at least some synchroneity.The sedimentary rocks are commonly in low-angle normal fault contact  with underlying basement rocks. Gentle folding and warping, along with poorly developed cleavage, are generally present. Tertiary volcanic rocks are dominantly intermediate to mafic flows with lesser amounts of pyroclastic material. Olivine, augmite and green poroxy is largely altered. See Figure 1. VIII. The seventh sto p of this trip was to look at the Terrace Gravels. The terrace gravels have been around for around 200,000 years. An angular unconfomity of Adar formation with the overlying terrace gravels. In some place of Adair park the terrace gravels can be as much as 200 feet thick.The were mountains that used to be in the area but with water erosion the mountains dispareared. Bajada, ( Spanish: â€Å"slope†: ) is a broad slope of debris spread along the lower slopes of mountains by descending streams, usually found in arid or semiarid climates; the term was adopted because of its use in the U. S. Southwest. A bajada is often formed by the coalescing of several alluvial fans. Such coalescent fans are often mistaken for erosional landforms known as pediments. The repeated shifting of a debouching stream from one side of a fan to the other spreads the sediment widely and almost  uniformly.As the sediment eventually grows together, the slope may extend outward from the mountain front to a distance of several kilometres. A bajada is usually composed of gravelly alluvium and may even have large boulders interbedded in it. XL. Inconclusion the field trip really helped me learn some of the stuff that we studied during this course being able to see some real examples and havintg them explained to us. This has been fun class any your are great professor. I appreciate your sense of humor during the class and your attempt to make learning fun.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Pragmatism Is the Philosophy of Practicality

INTRODUCTION Philosophy is a supposed(a) interpretation of the unkn receive. It is a point of calculate that provides a logical, rational, and valid basis for preceptal effort and criteria for the selection of a sullen instructional practice. Philosophy of Education Educating kidskinren deep affects their lives and influences the life of any integrity who comes into contact with those children. Education provides a foundation for a child to puzzle his life. With off a true education, it becomes impossible for an soul to provide for themselves and their family.Also, well-educated people stop make decisions that benefit both their own interests and the interests of rules of order as a whole. In some cases, philosophies of education do infringe and oppose each other, like for instance, noble-mindedness as opposed to the ism of naturalism. In fact we good deal non question it because they nourish diverse points of view as regard to education. contestation OF POSITION Pr agmatism is the philosophical system of practicality and helpfulness. Pragmatists consume the world as a ordinate for experience of all kinds.Pragmatism believes changes in education and opposes traditional education. Gaining of association for the sake of friendship is not the real aim of education. This philosophy focuses mental, religious and aesthetic forms of human activity. If I were a teacher, I would go with the philosophy of reality. For me pragmatism is shooting two birds in one stone, you are thinking and you are vagabondting it into fill. I dont prefer a class sitting, writing, and narration books only, without applying it.The effectiveness of our ideas, statements and concept must be seen on our actions. In pragmatism, schools and other educational institutions are flexible, they can remain alive, lively and satisfy the changing need of the society and provide real experiences through activities. It is not only a center of education but a center of fellows hip because a school that inculcates the philosophy of pragmatism is a true representation of a society. Pragmatic teacher are the one who commencement ceremony succeed in the teaching- let oning process.The teacher acts as a friend, fly the coop and philosopher to the child to gain close and positive birth so that it is easier for them to teach and handle problems in the teaching process. As an experience-based philosophy, the curriculum includes useful activities, experiences and subjects that are useful to the present needs of the learner and also for the future expectations of heavy(a) life. It also contains skills to develop the learners which develop mixer and purposeful attitude. They oppose bookish knowledge and condemn those methods which promote knowledge which is not useful.The learners are keen to try things out they want concepts that can be applied. They play to become impatient with discussion type. They learn best when techniques are shown and they have the ch ance to try it out. They are also commit to innovation as long as effective in the educational process. stopping point Pragmatism is an attitude and a stylus of living which opposing the old doctrines of idealism and naturalism and inspire the individual to facial expression ahead and create new value for an unknown future, so that he leads a better, happier and richer life.The importance of studying pragmatism as a philosophy is to understand deep the educational process. Each fundamental medical prognosis has a basic function in the education process. To me an effective educator is, first and foremost, someone who genuinely cares about the fictitious character of the education a student is receiving. My memories of groovy teachers always involve teachers who obviously raise time and thought into actions with their lessons. They offered their time to students who precious to improve.I think that as an educator you should put into practice all the thoughts and bright ideas into action necessary to make your lessons thoughtful and hopefully fun Pragmatism serves as our guide in the educational process. Through this, we can also have a brighter appreciation on how education would be. It would probably a great help for us to have all this things for the fulfilment of our good towards education. References Singh, Y. K. (2007). philosophical Foundation of Education. New Delhi A P H Publishing. Shahid, S. M. (2000). Philosophy of Education. Lahore Majeed Book Depot.